

  • Hi Kimberly - I'm in the UK so not too sure where you can get it - most of the supermarkets here stock it.
  • That seems quite a lot for the sauce and noodles. When I make stir fry I use Waitrose own noodles which are 388 calories per packet, so it might be worth a look round at some different makes. You could maybe try using soy sauce and spices (I love five spice in stir fries) rather than a sauce to cut down a bit too? Did you…
  • Nicjane - you're very similar to me (except I'm 30 and an inch shorter :)). My weight has crept up over the last few years partly due to sitting around at work all day too. I was around 135lbs and have lost a few. I'm also aiming to get under 9 stone - around 120-125lb would be good. Enjoy your holiday!
  • I would recommend going to a running shop that does gait analysis - they put you on a treadmill and analyse how you run to find out which shoes suit you... then you can try a few on, and either buy them there or make a note of the makes/ models and find them cheaper online when you get home ;-)
  • Does anyone know how quickly 'eating too much' turns into extra weight? I'm just wondering if, say, overeating on Monday will really show up on Tuesday's weigh in or if the process takes longer than that? I only weigh in once a week, or less, depends when I can get to some scales!