

  • I drink it and love it. It helped me curb the cravings in the beginning and I feel more energetic when I drink it. I prefer the Strawberry and Greenberry flavors
  • I'm a die hard fitness and healthy eating fan. Having a baby and being a married single Mom has set me back a bit but I am totally committed and will provide any support you need!
  • I feel your pain. In spite of my telling my Mother that I have given up junk food and am working hard to get back in shape and lose the weight she insists on offering me cake, cookies, etc. and then acts as a guilt merchant..."but I know how much you like them and I made them just for you". After listening to her I realize…
  • Here's a few suggestions that are light, a good source of lean protien, quick and easy to put togher. - 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 cup fruit of your choice - 2 egg whites on a multi grain light english muffin with a 1/2 cup of cut strawberries - 2 oz slice of low fat mozzerella and big slice of tomatoe on a…
  • Remember that slow and steady wins this race. It's not a diet that you'll stop doing when you hit your goal weight and fitness level. It's a new life plan. Losing 1 lb per week is a healthy and maintainable goal. Also it will make it easier for you to keep the weight off in the long run as you will have more time to adjust…
  • I'm new here also. I just signed up 2 days ago. I started my new (old) food plan (The Zone...I love it). 2 weeks ago and realized I was in desperate need of a support group and tracking system to help me stay accountable and on track. I had a baby 2 years ago and just never made the effort to lose the last 10 lbs. I'd like…