lizzie888 Member


  • Hey Durangogal, I do know what you mean. I actually enjoy the gym but still get caught up in that "don't feel like it' trap. A liitle girl once explained how she was able to do something that really makes her nervous...she tells herself "1, 2, 3, GO!". No thinking. It is the same as "Just do it!" but adorable. That really…
  • Dear Malonemx, It is so hard to think " long term", I know. I've only in the last 2 years finally got my head around that. Lost a ton of weight then plateau for A YEAR!!! while exercising!!! Wanted to give a tip or two. Why not visit your doctor? Really, why not? Even if no thyroid or other problems are detected, you are…
  • Hi Nancy, I'm a newbie too...sorta. I used the program to get started exercising last September. (Start off running just one minute at a time!) Life changing. Had some health issues 2 months ago and slacked off from exercise (and now healthy eating too!) For me they go together. Anyways I'm using this…