terwhitcomb Member


  • Hi I am in dire need of an accountability partner. Someone I can check in with daily to encourage and be encouraged by. I wouldn't care if it were just private messages as I don't really have time to sift through a whole lot of posts...is that what you have in mind?
  • Thanks Barbie and DJ for the tips on water. I am being diligent today with it and have been in the bathroom more times than I can count LOL. I will remember your words as I trek back and forth. Kim, thanks for the tip on the bacon - it is one of my loves for sure!!
  • Hi chrsp what's your challenge?
  • I can't check in as often as I'd like so it's hard to keep up with the chatter. But this I can't miss - Heather that sweet granddaughter is adorable. I just want to kiss her little cheeks!!! My first week went well - I didn't stay exactly within my calories, but I never used all of my exercise ones. I didn't lose much…
  • Thanks for the welcoming posts! You are all a fun and chatty group with some very sweet grand babies! Have a great day Terri
  • Hi I'm new on here and not really sure what I'm doing. I've been part of MFP in the past, but haven't been on for awhile. I'm 54 - 55 next month - and I recently had a full physical - YIKES! I need to set some serious goals here and I need some encouragement. I really need an accountability partner or group. My goals for…
  • Hi All Is anyone still going? I'm so sorry I've not been posting! I got really sick - it has taken me almost three weeks to feel human again! Needless to say I fell off the wagon :( I had 14 days under my belt and then just couldn't keep it going with being so ill - it takes a lot of planning and brain power for sure! I…
  • Day 7 - woot woot!!! Look at us! Only whole foods for one complete week. I've learned a lot about myself this week. For example I rely much more on comfort food than I ever thought I did - especially when I'm sick! I learned how to talk myself through the tuff times by thinking less about the immediate gratification and…
  • Zesr great job! Having the kids home must be challenging but your dedication is showing :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Pals - how's it going? It is day six we've almost reached the end of one full week! How are the cravings? I went to the doctor yesterday after work because my "cold" seemed to be getting worse. They did a flu test which came back positive - plus bronchitis and an ear infection. Yep I feel pretty stinky. It's been a…
  • You can soooo do this! What's ice cream anyway? Try to think about each ingredient and then think about why you've chosen to do this! Let us know how it goes - we're cheering for you!!! :love:
  • Zesr great to have you join us!!! Welcome! It is day four and my cold is deciding to rage on - :sad: In the past this would have been a great opportunity for me to justify eating off track. This time I am determined to not do it. Colds, flus, sickness in general are a way of life here and there and I won't let that derail…
  • Made some pumpkin, chicken, curry soup - very comforting and filling! Thanks for the suggestions. Getting ready to hit the bed- hoping I feel better in the morning. Meanwhile - I'm whole30 for three days and so are you!! Yay us!! Boomboom - the shepards pie sounds amazing so does the acorn squash with coconut - did you put…
  • Good Morning! Great advice everyone on the amounts of foods to consume. Like someone else said I have never had a problem consuming enough calories I've always tended to go the opposite direction. I like the idea of listening to your body with the energy level rather than feeling full - that's going to take some retraining…
  • That's a really good question! I don't really feel like I'm qualified to answer it though...my first thought is "yes you need more calories than 600 a day!" but then I think that also the idea of Whole30 is to let your body tell you what you should eat - that's why we're not really supposed to count calories. I'm not a…
  • Good Morning! How is everyone this morning? I wanted to share a lesson I learned...I didn't eat enough! I know right? Never really been a problem in my past, but I think I was so worried about "what" to eat that I just didn't eat enough! I woke up at 2:30 this morning starving and with a headache! I wonder if the headache…
  • I am tracking - not for calories but mostly for accountability. Also, I thought it would be fun to see what we are all eating that way if you get bored with your choices. Today went pretty well but I did not eat enough at lunch and came home starved! I didn't have anything already prepared but I had some almonds while I…
  • One more thing - weigh in this morning to get a baseline and then HIDE THAT SCALE! No weighins allowed until the thirty days are over - it helps to stay focused on the health benefits and changing your psychological relationship with food!
  • April 1st is here!!! Today is the first day of...well many things, but I'm hoping it's the first day to a healthier lifestyle for us! It's early in the morning and I feel strong and positive - I hope you all do too. Please stay in touch. We can do this however you'd like - post your triumphs and struggles so that we can…
  • Hi everyone - just a few days until we begin. Really love the excitement were generating. If there's anyone on here that hasn't sent me a friend request and wants to go for it. This is the first time I've ever started a challenge or group. Is there something I should do officially and if it involves starting another group…
  • The "proper" whole 30 basically says if you have a slip start over but we'd love to encourage you on here even with a cheat day!
  • So far there are six of us - I think that's a great amount of support and encouragement! This week is a good time to be planning menus and clearing out the cupboards! I think for me the key to success is going to be just being prepared. With most eating plans I can do pretty well for breakfast and lunch because I'm at work…
  • Yay - welcome aboard! I like the idea that I have a little time to prepare my cupboards as well as my mind!
  • Thanks for your responses! It's nice to know there are others out there attempting this. I am also reading the book It Starts With Food and am loving it! I am going to freind request both of you so that I can look at your food logs. I'll open mine to you as well if you want - when I start this. Good luck to the both of…
  • I just started ETL - this is my second day on the six week plan. I feel awful! Curious if anyone else has experienced this? I have a headache, fatigued, achy - feel like I have the flu. There is a section in the book that talks about these withdrawal symptoms but I never imagined they would be this bad! I even had a dream…
  • Has anyone tried the Udi's gluten free english muffins? I splurged the other day and bought english muffins and my grocery had Food for Life and Udi's. The FFL looked the most "normal" so I opted for them...I'm not impressed. :( They are OK but not great. I read online that Glutino's are really good but I can't find them…
  • Great job Kat - you are very inspiring!! :flowerforyou:
  • I'd like to join - count me in! Would love to hear everyone's ideas!
  • Yay just added myself to the spreadsheet! Will ck back in tonight to update on my exercise and water!!!! Thanks for starting this :)
  • Noha My email is tlwhitcomb@hotmail.com and my first name is Terri! Thanks for adding me - I am pumped about this challenge!! :happy: