

  • Thanks for the reminder, every now and then I fall into that line of thinking and lately more so than not. I really needed your message :smile:
  • Just a FYI tip: cold extremities and problems controlling body temp are signs of low iron. Of course there are many more. I am speaking from experience. I cut way back on eating red meat because of the fat content, and started having some symptoms. Then found out I was very low on iron. Having really cold hands and feet…
  • All ya single ladies, all ya single ladies. if ya like it than you shoulda put a ring on it, four hours upon hours LOL
  • BW 239.0 TW 237.5 No chocolate passed my lips but I didn't quite make my goal of two lbs. I was a 1/2 lb short lost 1.5lbs. this weeks challenge of 50 extra sit-ups a day is a good one for me, this will definitely be a challenge. I'm loving it!!!!!!
  • Ya, I'll go for a stone Location: Evart, MIchigan, US I like: Singing/Music, gardening, sewing, swimming, sushi, and sooooo much more I don't like: Snakes Current typical or usual exercise: Walking, Ab lounger, Calisthenics (joint and back friendly) , just started some lite weight lifting. Current Staring weight: 240 lbs…