

  • You look amazing great job... Maybe you can give me a few pointers..I have hit a plato right now been stuck for awhile..Any ideas?
  • WOW GREAT JOB!!!! Can't hardly wait to get there myself...I am so excited with what the Lord has brought me through so far...You are quit the insprition to me.I was one of those close to 300 lb people and you are so right we laugh to hide the tears..Give yourself one big pat on the back for the great job you have done an…
  • :drinker: Great job..That is how to get it done...Congrats on the weight lose. Love to read stories like this quit the encouragenent i need because i have a lot to lose also... Keep it up you are doing great....
  • Wonderful job....Amazingly done you really have to have the willpower to hang in there...You look so young,very proud of you give yourself a big pat on the back for job well done....Thanks for sharing it really helps me i know i can do these it is we have to have the want and i can see you did and i know i can...:smile:…
  • Just take it slow one day at a time....Really i eat anything i want i am just more conscious of what it is.. As the time goes by you just want to start eating better... You start reading labels and what is in what and start making better choices...There is nothing wrong with that.. It's kind of fun everyone starts asking…
  • You can go to a quick lab and get vitiam B12 shots...They will help. I am gonna start mine back up because i get tired in the afternoons now to..I just started this program and i reall enjoy it.. I use to take them like twice aweek..Cost like $20.00 a shot..
  • You done it before you can do it again.. My daughter use to tell her brothers all the time.. Get yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again.. Each day is a new day the Lord has given us all we can do is the best we can do.. Just keep praying and ask the Lord for the strength..Just stay with this program you…