lilmisstata Member


  • Is it the CI or the CO part?. Usually, if MFP tells me I should be eating 1600 calories, and I eat 1600 calories, I don't lose weight...therefore causing me to believe I can't lose weight. But really....I can....but at a much lower calorie intake, of like 1200.
  • LUCKY!!!! I'm the opposite!!! I have a hard time losing it, but I didn't put it on overnight either. It was a slow and steady climb up.
  • Hey!! That's me too. Please add me or I will add you.
  • I'm not new to weight loss or MFP but I am new to posting here. I usually just use the MFP app and don't bother with the message boards, but I too have Hypothyroidism. Along with PCOS. I have a REALLY hard time losing any weight and I keep getting stricter and stricter with my weighing and measuring of food, my exercise,…
  • I do use a food scale and weigh and measure all of my foods. In fact I have 3 of them. I keep one in the car. I also track calories labels because sometimes I eat frozen meals or put together my own meal combinations from pre packaged food, like Veggie Burgers. I don't eat meat and lean closer towards a Vegan food plan…
  • Um....I don't know why you are all so quick to defend sugar. I am Insulin Resistant, have PCOS, and I take Thyroid medication. I use the FITBIT HR to monitor heart rate, I use MFP to monitor EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. I am ALWAYS under my calories and I do cardio 3 usually 4 or more times a week. Trust me.....I love…
  • I am insulin Resistant, have PCOS and also have to take Synthroid for my Hypothyroidism. There is no such thing as reversing it. What you can do is reverse the symptoms, but it is hard work, and will need to be maintained for your lifetime. I have learned that the hard way. :s
  • I am having the same issues and I am reading the replies here and I am going to apply them to me as well. I have been doing cardio 3-4 times a week, use fitbit hr to track steps and hr, stay well under my calories, etc. But I do have some room for improvement. I'm also insulin resistant and I think that my body is still…
  • Those are not my lips. :)) It seems that privacy concerns are big nowadays. My weight is probably the most intimate and shameful thing I deal with. But I personally worry that you can google me and find out the most intimate details of my life. I want the support but I also want to be anonymous.
  • It's so interesting how similar we all are. I could've wrote your post. It seems like sometimes the scale is my trigger. I see results and I slip up on my eating. Or I start to finally feel better because I'm eating better - then I slip. I have been caught in a vicious cycle for too long now. Since none of my friends seem…
  • I have PCOS. I was diagnosed about 15 years ago. The only thing that has ever worked for me to lose weight was cutting out carbs and processed foods and a f*$kload of exercise. I kept the weight off for years. But when I stopped running 4-5xs a week because my hips were hurting. I started gaining weight (on average about…