I'm reading this book by former FDA commissioner and it's very eye opening as to how Americans have steadily been gaining weight and the science behind our neurology and how the food industry has us by the cajones. Very good read!
I got a restart this week. Despite the fact I hired a trainer two years ago and have worked with him three times a week with strenuous cardio and weights, cut out gluten after diagnosed with allergy and eat very healthfully.... I put on 12 pounds this past year!!!! Aargh!!!! I'm doing Ideal protein and I'm still in the…
I am day one, phase one. I feel a long road ahead and it's pretty unnerving. I am gluten intolerant so was pretty shocked at how scant the selection was for GF people on IP. I can really eat only a handful of soups, puddings and drinks. No chips, rotini nor bars and any of the tasty looking chicken/noodle packets. Anyone…
Thanks!! I hate change and restrictions so this is tough, but I have no choice anymore. exercise and "balanced diet" have not worked for me at all and I'm becoming pre-diabetic.
I'm on day 1! Terrified! I left the office in tears as it seems so drastic, but I've got 40 pounds to lose and would love virtual support with others doing IP
My trainer suggested I do South Beach as I have 30 pounds to lose and after working out with him three times a week for a year- I have barely lost any weight. I went to my nutritionist today to weigh in and sadly have gained 3 pounds since i started SBD last week, so that's very frustrating. I'm hoping by next week the…