I usually find the mute option and toggle it on.
25 F today where I live.
I can never go full evil in a game if given the option, but if given the choice to kill off a character that I really despise then yeah, I will totally take it no matter if it gives me good or evil points. A specific part in Mass Effect 3 involving Kai Leng and Shepard's omni blade would be an example lol.
2 Fried eggs cooked in butter + 4 strips of bacon and a cup of coffee. Pretty simple breakfast.
Lupe Fiasco - The Instrumental. Yes, the song is called The Instrumental.
I found myself playing Counter-Strike Global Offensive more than anything else lately. I'm not even good at counter-strike lol. :ohwell:
I hate it when somebody tries to get my attention when I'm lifting.
Welcome! You can add me if you like, but I don't know how motivational I would be lol.
I was part of the nerd/outcast group. I guess you could call myself and my friends at the time outcasts since we never really fitted in with the other groups.
I've played through 1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, and 3 multiple times, but never played the MP. I liked 3, but not as much as the other four. I also played through Liberation, but I didn't really like it that much. I found it boring and the character wasn't that interesting to me.
Tennessee here.
Final Fantasy XIII, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2-3, Infamous, Assassin's Creed 1-2, and L.A. Noire. I don't own many ps3 games. :(
I'm usually up around 4 22 am or 5 am to start my cardio workout, then I do weight training in the evening. What keeps me motivated to keep doing that is determination.
Yeah dancing is exercising. The way I see it is as long as you're active and sweating then you are exercising.
I can learn a new instrument pretty quick, and I taught myself music theory.... kinda.
I'm 23 going on 24.
Playing Boxing on my dad's Atari 2600 and later getting an NES and playing Super Mario totally turned me into a gamer. So many hours were spent playing those games.
The steam summer sale always happens when I'm broke lol
I play PC and console games, but lately I've been playing PC more than console. I use to play StarCraft 2 then became bored with it. I guess I'm just not patient enough for strategy games lol, but lately I've been majorly addicted to The Witcher.
HIIT Cardio would probably be the best, but my personal preference is just to walk for an hour.
Wake up Get dressed Cardio Shower Eat Sit Sit some more Eat Eat Weight training Sleep Rinse and repeat.
I use to be a big tech nerd, but now I'm mainly a gamer.
Donnie Darko.... I don't think it was bad movie, but it was really strange in my opinion.
1 usually.
I don't have the 3DS version yet, but I was addicted to that game so bad when it came out on Gamecube. I still owe Tom Nook a bunch of bells... stupid Raccoon.
Enter the Dragon
Gettin' Even by Seasons After is the main one I usually listen to when running.
Om nom nom nom
Thats how I feel about the next-gen xbox. As long as it is not always online and doesn't incorporate DRM then I will most likely buy it. I already have a Wii U and I like it all right, but there aren't many games that catch my attention on the system yet :(. The PS4, I will probably get as long as it plays used games and…