

  • It took 20 pounds - after I had my son - for me to tell a difference in clothes and even more than that for other people to comment. But now I am at a standstill and I'd love a 10 pound loss.
  • I am definitely a binge eater. I will go 3 weeks being very very strict and lose 20 pounds and then something or someone will piss me off and I will say - why am I doing this to myself - screw this!! and I will eat everything in sight and gain back 25 pounds. It has been very hard to break this cycle and as a result of my…
  • I think you are beautiful and look good. However, the above comments are correct - being healthy is what is important. How you feel when you look in the mirror is a mental battle that I myself struggle with. If being healthy is important to you than I would get in the healthy weight range however, do it for health reasons,…
  • Im telling u girl I bet Uave Mono