

  • Hello, then I say good luck to us both. ' We have already taken the first step so that is a start as we take each day as a journey to better health and feeling better
  • thank you so much, I am sure all the support will help alot I am on my own at home since I have teenage boys so really difficult to keep the Healthy Eating going
  • Hello everyone, I hope to be able to loose weight this year as I have been the same for the past year. I have lost 21 pounds starting last year but have yoyo'd since by a few pounds. Now I hope to get past that and loose some more WEIGHT. Hopefully with everyone being in the same boat and facing the same challenges we all…
  • I completely understand how you feel. I am the same. I just signed up for this but basically I have lost 21 pounds since last year, and it yoyo's up and down by 2-3 pounds. I cant seem to get past that and it seems the more I exercise the less weight comes off. I wish I had an answer for you as well as myself. Its very…
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