

  • Carroll, I go to the YMCA and they are all over the place! I don't really care for the full body one, but I am trying to work my way up to it :) The arm motion throws me off a little! lol Yes! 700 calories in 40 minutes is AWESOME! Congrats :) I can actually burn about 1000 calories in just an hour...its like running for…
  • Hey girl! I just joined yesterday and I'm totally pumped bout this site too. I am 29, and like you, I have lost weight before....I weighed 210 at my heaviest and lost down to Im back up to 170...I remember that drinking TONS of water helped me to shed the pounds very quickly. Actually it was the ONLY beverage I…
  • better time than NOW to get back on track! I moved last Feb and have gained about 25 pounds since...RIDICULOUS! My bf and I are both on a mission to lose weight and get back to our normal healthy weights. I am now watching my calorie intake and working out at least 4 days a week....even if its just a 30 min brisk…