cally69 Member


  • I like my small waist (small compared to the rest of me haha) I like my hair and have always looked after it I like how my body has put up with all the years of abuse I put it through and hasn't quit on me. Now I am rewarding it with what it needs and it's responding....
  • Here's what I do: work out how many ladles you have in the pot and count each ladle as a serving. It' s then up to you how many of these smaller servings you put on your plate. Hope this helps
  • Hi You'll find this site very supportive. We're all here to better ourselves so well done on taking that first step. Suggest you read up on the 'must reads' the forum has to offer. Persistence is the key, it does work if you stick with it. Wishing you the best in your journey! X
  • Was losing 6-8 lbs a month for 6 months then started swimming for about 3 hours a week. About 6 weeks after starting my swims I lost 12 lbs in one month!
  • I love swimming, it's a great cardio burn and it's fun. Was stepping and walking but since I added swimming the weight is coming off faster.
  • Hi I went theough the process of the hypno band sessions about a year and a half ago. It consisted of 3 appointments at £75 a time. Worked initially for me and I felt positive about it, but I didn't feel it changed my eating habits and over a period of a few months I was back to square one. Decided in feb of this year to…
  • Well said folks. I've been getting a little tired of all the fearful posts. Dreading what the run up to Christmas will be like on the forums, especially from the peeps over here in the UK who don't have Thanksgiving to worry about...just ENJOY. It's once a year!!
  • Use the calculators listed under 'tools' to help work out your BMR and make sure you eat above this. Do your research, there's plenty good advice on the forums under the 'must reads' to help you. Your body needs a minimum amount of calories to function and you want to set your goals somewhere between your BMR and TDEE for…
  • As the saying goes, if you want it enough you'll do it. If you don't you'll make excuses. It all starts in the head. If you are half hearted about this, you're not ready to do it.
  • Nope, not on my mind at all since I'm from the UK. Another whole month of abstinence to go before the craziness begins.....
  • I have always worked my calories on a weekly basis and save up during the week so I can enjoy a few treats at the weekend. Tomorrow I'll have an extra 514 calories to spend. It works for me. That way you can enjoy your occasions out, you're just planning ahead.
  • The Mayan calendar only went up to this date because they couldn't comprehend that there would be a need for a date beyond this. That is all. I refuse to believe I've been losing weight all year for nothing. Could have been enjoying my cakes and crisps instead so I'll be well peed off if it happens......
  • Each year epidemiologists work to predict the likely mutations the virus will go through to create a vaccine for the following year.
  • I find you can do a lot with just a teaspoon of olive oil. Plus there are spray oils which have less cals and do the job if it's just an egg or some mushrooms you are frying. I would definitely count the oil, at 120 cals per tbsp it would be crazy not to. X
  • It all comes down to persistence. It's going to take time but it's time well spent. The weeks and months will roll by no matter what, you might as well use them positively. JUST DO IT X
  • For me, has to be swimming. It's a great fat burner and it doesn't feel like you're killing yourself.
  • Witty, wise and totally true. Plan to print this out and imprint it on my brain. I will remember this list, I will remember this list, I WILL remember this list....
  • I think the important issue is finding what is sustainable and teaches you the most. By subscribing to a 'weight loss' package for want of a better phrase such as Jenny Craig or replacement meals, you are handing the power over to companies whose bottom line is profit. You don't have to engage your brain or enlarge your…
  • Manhunter Withnail and I Shaun of the Dead
  • Hi Your post was not easy to read but the general impression I got from it was that you have been chopping and changing your strategy too much to tell if anything is actually working. It sounds like you are clued up about the processes behind weight loss but you just need to find one method to use. Calculate your TDEE,…
  • Sorry, you had me laughing when you said your boyfriend was for the most part 'a tosser'. Has a slightly different meaning in the UK. Lol
  • This is really helpful, thanks :)
  • Believe it. And I'm a nurse. Shoot me.
  • I'm SO with you on that one sister.
  • Hello I quite fancy trying to make my own pizza. My question is, do I use tomato purée or something else tomato based to spread on the base? Also, I plan to load it up with veggies but do I put the veggies raw onto the pizza? This may sound daft but a typical pizza only cooks in the oven for about 10 mins so will that…
  • Hi Pleased don't be discouraged, keep going and it will happen. I've been doing this since Feb. Was a UK24 lower half and 22 on top. I'm down to a size 16 on top but only today (!) got into a size 20 trousers! My top half has lost way more inches than my bottom half but now it must be finally coming off my bum/hips. It all…
  • Hello Posts in these forums have to be in English as per forum guidelines. It is a very multinational site but the moderators and users need to find a common language to communicate with. Hope this helps
  • Hello I don't count vegetables, except for potatoes, peas and sweet corn but I do log fruit. This encourages me to eat lots of veggies. However, I dont't eat back my exercise calories so this gives me leeway with the veg. Seems to be working for me so far..
  • Delicious on a baked potato, especially the red pepper hummus.