erikazj Member


  • Sorry to hear about your injury. I'm working through a knee injury myself at the moment, but am hoping to get back out there soon. Feel free to friend me if you like! Erika
  • Iliotibial band syndrome:
  • Well done! Please listen to your knees though if they start to twinge and see a physio. I've been sidelined from my running for a few weeks now due to a problem with my knees and I do not want anyone else to have to go through that! Erika
  • Looking at your diary, I see that on the day you went over 100 calories. This is not anywhere near enough for you to put on a pound. Depending on where you have your deficit set, it won't even be enough for you to put on weight. What I suspect it is, will be your high sodium intake for the day. You are well over the limit…
  • First off, let me just say these are my very personal feelings on my own journey and what has worked for me. It is less about the calorie/exercise side of things (although yes, that is all important and you have to work out what works for you), but more about the attitude I have found helpful in my long term journey. I…
  • I'm sure you've tried this, but have you tried tightening the belt a bit? I had a similar problem with mine (and thought the belt was plenty tight enough) but tightening it a bit further seemed to do the trick. Erika
  • I love my kindle and have a slip case that I ordered from Etsy to protect it in my bag. No velcro or anything - you could then have a skin too if you wanted!
  • Well done! I have fibromyalgia too, so I know what an achievement it is! I ran a half marathon last year, so you can definitely do it too, just take it as slow as you need too so you can recover between runs. Erika
  • Agreed that exercise really can help in the long term, you just have to work out what you can and can't do when. Losing weight and working out I think have really helped me in the long run. Yes, I get days when I can't do anything, and how I wish I slept better, but for the most part it is better for it. I too run (slowly)…
  • Looking at your profile picture I would worry less about your weight and more about body fat percentage. My understanding is that sportsmen and women can be heavy for their size, but have small bodies due to being mostly muscle and having low body fat. Regardless of how much you weigh, if your body fat percentage dips…
  • Cathedral City lighter is OK - not as good as proper cheese, but probably the most acceptable out of the low fat cheddars out there. At least it doesn't bounce like the WW one does!
  • It is from the MFP database, but it is not far off the stated nutritional values printed on the bag of potatoes I have in my can vary a little on potato variety...I tend to always use raw weights/measurements exactly for the reason of water evaporation/retention is not always consistent. Nothing is every…
  • In which case use the 'potato - flesh and skin, raw' from the database. 300g would be 231 calories. If you use any butter or oil, add those separately. Erika P.S. Unless it is a sweet potato (just looked at your profile), in which case use 'Sweet potato - Raw, unprepared (sweetpotato)', which would be 258 calories for 300g.
  • Yeah, it's definitely a case of what works for one person might not work for another. I love my merino wool socks. They've not stopped the blistering completely, but they have definitely helped and are so comfortable and dry even when I'm hot. Merino wool is not cheap so that is a drawback to trying them 'just in case' -…
  • I feel your pain - I have the flattest feet in the universe! I had a blister like that on both feet after my first half! I think the correction of a motion control shoe can definitely rub on the arch, that's exactly what my problem is, but if you need the support you need it! My blistering has got better over time (the…
  • I overpronate, so I wear shoes with support. The kind of support the shoe offers tries to stop my foot from rolling, but the foot still wants to roll - so it rubs on the arch. I find that body glide doesn't work for me - in fact it makes it worse. Here's my foot after doing a half marathon with body glide on my feet and…
  • I generally make cupcakes these days, and depending on what you ice them with they come out at about 100-200 cals each. Let me know what kind of cake you like and I'll see if I can post a suitable recipe. Erika
  • I'd probably go with the fish in a bag or the feather steak. Avoid anything with mayo/salami/cheese as they will bump up the calories even in tiny amounts. Watch the carb portions and go for lean proteins and you'll probably be fine. Or, just go, enjoy and do some extra exercise over the next few days! Eriks
  • There you go!
  • Hi, I'm from Haslemere in Surrey, but am regularly in and around Portsmouth/Southampton etc. Erika
  • I don't know nutritionally, but I know a lot of people find goat's milk easier to digest than cow's milk. I personally can't stand the aftertaste it has - a bit of a uric twang, but my husband can't taste that, which is just as well as he is allergic to cow's milk so drinks goat's milk instead. Erika
  • I sometimes cry when running - I occasionally get this weird wave of emotion, its not because I'm hurting or anything (although I've cried from that too). Whenever I've run a race I've always cried on crossing the finish line - I think it must be some sort of response to the release of adrenaline or something! It's…
  • Whatever you decide to eat make sure it is something you have eaten before running before now. Don't try anything new as some people don't tolerate some foods so well before running and you don't want to get sick. Stick with something tried and tested. Good luck, Erika
  • It can. I can gain about 5 pounds during that time of the month. It will come down again if that is the issue. Keep an extra strict eye on your sodium too. Also, if you have started exercising in the last two weeks your muscles may well be retaining extra water to help with their repair. Give your body a chance and it will…
  • Julie - That made me laugh out loud! Beef and cheese??? Also, your pace is so fast! Nitz - Great stuff! You should be really chuffed. Becky - I hope your cold is gone soon. Try not to sweat the weight gain. 0.8 pounds could just be a normal fluctuation. I know we all know this, but it is worth reminding ourselves that it…
  • Hi everyone Kelynn - Glad to hear you might have found your breeder. Good luck, I hope you find a lovely puppy. Leash - Sorry that the injection hurt so bad. I'm praying that it will give you the relief you need. Stretch out your neck and shoulders lots to help with the whiplash. Becky - I'm no GF expert, but I do make a…
  • The nausea with a headache sounds like migraine, but why you would get it after every meal is a mystery to me if there is not anything in common. A chat with a proper doc might be in order. Not run today or yesterday. Bad work, bad neigbours - me = grumpy and no time for running and sorry, not much time for posting today…
  • Leash - first of all, good luck with your injection today. Second of all, I am sorry to hear about your car accident. You are right to be concerned. I was in a very similar accident three years ago and it did do a number on my back. I still see someone now about it. However, I don't want to depress you. A lot of my issues…
  • I have this too, and exercise (starting very very gently at first) and building up can definitely help. You might have to spend quite a lot of time working out what works for you, and what doesn't. I just wish I could find something to help me sort out my sleep problems! Good luck - it is possible to still be active. I ran…