+1 on check the diet, make sure you're not compensating the calories you're burning by eating extra. Once you get the balance right, persevere and watch the pounds fall off :)
Chin up, you're doing great! You've already proven that you can do the hard work! There isn't a doubt in anyone's mind that you can and will do it again. Think of it as a learning process - recognise how and why you fell back into bad habits and how easy/hard/fast/slow it took to undo the work, and use those lessons to…
Tried this in December and couldn't find the recovery time to make it. I'm in awe of you guys. Massive respect!
£25 a year is a bargain :-) I'm paying more than double that a month where I live! If you don't want to workout at work, do you have any council owned leisure centres nearby? The gyms there are usually way cheaper than the commercially branded ones, and from what I've found have the exact same equipment and are much…
I sincerely doubt there is any truth to this. OP - Sorry, but this is not exercise!
+1, which is a real shame since I find it impossible to ditch soda.
It's just about reaching 30 F / -1 C here in Stockholm now and I can only go out as long as there is no headwind. Not looking forward to winter!