

  • Hi, again. I promised to post after seeing the 'diabetes education' person...not sure of her training, but focus was on how to eat. She loved the program. We were able to open my food diary on her computer and she printed out a week's worth of meals and looked at them. Btw, she thought 'myfitnesspal' was very user friendly…
  • I'm diabetic too, and just started this program about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with a nutrition counselor who I was referred to by my diabetes doctor. I'm planning to ask what the goals should be for daily allowances of carbs, protein, etc. I want to know if there are special recommendations…
  • I've been in the same boat as you, but for many more years! I'm looking for answers too. Staying at or under my calorie limit is very hard for me, but I find that tracking (honestly) what I eat seems to be limiting the damage. My binges are smaller and more contained by awareness. I can't claim to have solutions, but I'll…
  • Yes, I'm just starting too, and would like to hear about your successes or difficulties, and share mine also. I have a bit over 40 pounds to lose and have been saying for years that I'm going to do it. I'm in my late sixties and have diabetes, and in spite of fears for my health and some symptoms already, I could not seem…