Tracy: Full disclosure, I am CEO of Gruve, but here are a couple thoughts. Best worn on torso, a lot of women clip to skirt or bra Watch out for water! Establish a regular pattern of sync and charging, I plug in every night and unplugs in AM will be green all day first seven days, then it has calibrated to you. If you push…
Well, that should allow you to at least maintain. the other issue is what are you eating? If it is carb heavy, water gets complexed and retained. Weight is maintained or lost via NEAT based activity- which is what you are doing-standing, walking, moving around. With your training is it possible you are gaining muscle? That…
Take a look at what the rest of your day is doing, just exercise is not enough. If you sit all day, that is the killer. Effective weight loss is a three legged stool- activity, diet and behavior.
Both the Striiv and Fitbit are just pedometers, so the caloric determinations are pretty flimsy at best. You can't get accuracy for under $100, because the filtering, memory and processor functions are sophisticated enough that they could not make if for a price point. Steps are a good way of keeping choice, however.
the Striiv is highly inaccurate, as are the calculators on the elipticals. The chips in the machines are set high by the manufacturers so they read a big number. That is from a chip manufacturer for these devices- Intel. The Striiv is just a pedometer so it will only measure part of your motion.