LyneLM Member


  • Will try, thanks!
  • Hi again, I am in Canada, we might have different brands here. Mott's makes a number of unsweetened applesauces, IGA's home brand (Compliments) has a few as well, and we also very much like St-Mamet (a european brand), which is a bit harder to find. You have a lovely website!
  • Thanks; just looked it up and it could actually make a very interesting breakfast. Great potential for variations with other applesauces (peach, pear, blueberry, banana/strawberry) and different preserves (where do I start....). Throwing in some cacao or vanilla and/or spices (cinnamon, allspice, gincer) could also be…
  • Will try tomorrow morning! Thanks!
  • I doubled the recipe and replaced the peanut butter with hazelnut butter. Ended up with 12 portions about the size of a Reese's pieces (made them in parchemin baking cups, worked out fine). 28.3 cal/portion (should be about the same with peanut butter). I think they are great!
  • Healthful Pursuit, love love LOVE that website. Recipes are fabulous, I have tried a few of them. Good luck to your friend (and nice of you to help)!
  • Oh wow, making these tonight for sure!
  • Sunrise tofu desserts (90 cal/portion - flavours such as banana, custard, coconut, almond), with cut up fruits or berries. Love it!
  • Thank you for the inspiration! I made them gluten free (substituted the flour for 1/3 gluten-free all purpose flour, 1/3 sorghum flour and 1/3 almond flour). Also added 1 tsp xanthan. Felt like something that reminded me of summer this morning (we just got 30cm of snow in Montreal), so I made them with peach applesauce,…
  • Protein bars, dried fruits, rice cakes, healthy crackers, a bag of veggies, homemade muffin.
  • Strawberries + Walden's Farm no calorie chocolate spread: fabulous, agreed! Pieces of Granny Smith apple dipped in Walden's Farm no calorie caramel spread also great!
  • Hi, Cannot help with the biscuits but with the gravy, yes. Extremely quick and easy, this is what I have been doing for years, for both white and brown sauces. The following serves 4 reasonable portions: - heat you pot or pan (medium heat) - add 1 tbs olive oil - add 2 to 3 tablespoons of flour (depending on the texture…
  • I never mesure anything, but it goes that way for an Asian brocoli salad: - light mayonnaise - light soya sauce - rice vinegar - a few drops of toasted sesame oil - ginger (grated or paste) - garlic - pepper to taste Mix, add to brocoli, top with some sesame seeds.
  • I am my younger sister's matron of honor this coming April: I have reached my goal (lost 20 pounds since October) and have to maintain now (yeah! just changed my profile to maintenance today, that is a bit weird). My sister thinks I am to thin now... but I don't mind, I feel great, and I want to keep it that way!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! It is great to hear about a bunch of women who work together and are supportive of one another. Thank you for sharing, good news like this make me smile.
  • Hi all, Been having acne problems since I was 12; I am now 45, still have them, but I sort of have them under control. Over the years I have found that one of the culprits, for me, was when I consumed a lot of dairy products. I still have them (not milk though, but yogourt, a bit of cheese) in moderation. When I overdo it,…
  • 1 portion of protein powder for shakes (about 110 cal usually) + 1 portion of frozen fruits (a portion varies between 50 and 75 calories), Splenda or Stevia to taste, some water, process in blender or with hand mixer. I do that on the week-ends before I hit the grocery store or anytime I run errands.
  • Yesterday I tried Jell-o Light Crème brulée rice pudding (70 cal). Oh my God.... heaven.
  • I ONLY brought bikinis for my Christmas vacation in Cuba: I am 5' 2.5", 110 lbs and have lost 20 lbs. Oh, and I am turning on 46 with two kids. So I would say if you feel like it, wear it, according to your own standards, no one else's.
  • I just had 2 Yves tofu dogs with Dijon mustard, 2 cup steamed brocoli and 1 cup of steamed cauliflower with fleur de sel; I am full - 250 calories!
  • Love it! In addition, if you spend about 6 hours cooking or preparing food for the week on Sundays (my case), you burn about 600 calories!
  • Add a packet of stevia (or splenda), with either vanilla, a bit of flavor such as almond, banana, orange, cocoa powder, then eat with fruits for breakfast or lunch. You might want to add chia seeds or Skinny B cereal.
  • You can put 1 tablespoon in a portion of yogourt or cottage cheese (but let sit for about 15 minutes to they moisten), you can use them in muffins, pancakes, add them to your cereal.
  • 5 ft 2.5 in, 109 lbs, 33.5 chest, 28 waist, 35 hips. In maintenance mode now, and oddly it sort of scares me, I preferred being in the loosing mode. Now concentrating on toning up.
  • Been off diet soda since last July because I thought I was having health issues and wanted to cut as much artificial stuff as possible. I found it a bit difficult to start with but I realised how much soft drinks made me feel bloated; in addition, I was craving them all the time and literally shoving them in one after the…
    in Diet Soda Comment by LyneLM January 2012
  • Hi there! Starting July 2011, I have been gluten-free as my doctor suspected a semi-latent gluten intolerance which is now full-blown due to fibromyalgia trigerrred by a not so smart career move. Being gluten-free has greatly improved the pain in my joints, eliminated the stomach pains and most of my digestive discomforts.…