

  • Yep, and it's quite obvious with me that I have been eating the wrong things for a long time. Actually, that is true. I am looking forward to getting in tune with my body so I will know what foods have a negative affect. Looking forward to sharing in this group.
  • Just joined the group. Have a friend who eats a flexitarian style and i was just talking to her tonight about it - actually getting some advise. Relly interested in cleaning up my food intake. i want the nicer skin, brighter eyes, healthier, thinner body and energy to exercise when i get home from work. i want to get rid…
  • These sound really good. Thanks!
  • Add me to the group. I would love to lose it by May too. My problem is I get home late and am too tired to exercise. Good luck to all of us!!! WE can do it.
  • Just joined this group. Would love to get different recipes for weight loss and health. Especially when someone else has already tried them and also what "tweeks" can be done to make the recipe even better. Looking forward to sharing with you all. Enjoy your day. Barbara