

  • Hi - Have a few questions. How do we add people? I have fallen off the band wagon so many times, I'm bruised from top to toe. But, I've been looking for some motivation and have decided I need to begin again. So if I need to add people or let people add me to try to keep the motivation going, I'm all for it. Thanks! :)
  • Hi - I've been off the band wagon for awhile, but now am looking for motivation to get back and stay put. Just wondering about this post - is this Jillian Michael's 30 day shred you are speaking of?
  • Hi ask4itall - I'm new to the forum. I agree with all of the good advise you gave. Just wanted to add too that how people eat is important too. I have to remind myself that eating slower is better than scarfing down your food. Helps the body realize when it is full.
  • Hi Th2much - Looks like you are half way to your goal! Congratulations.