hallensd Member


  • I have 5 children and I have encapsulated my placenta with my last 3. I did it myself so I didn't have to pay someone hundreds of dollars to do it, and it was pretty simple and didn't gross me out at all. When I compare it to my first 2 births when I did not encapsulate it, the differences post-partum were amazing. With my…
  • I just ate dinner and my calorie total is about 1000 for the day. I am going to eat a Smart Ones brownie sundae to at least bump it to 1200. My goal is 1600 daily but I get busy some mornings which accounts for the huge deficit in the evening on some days!
  • I am not really focusing on working out, either. I have been closely watching what I eat, but exercise isn't easy for me being that I am about 100lbs overweight. I do plan to start exercising more when I lose a bit more so it isn't such a strain. I have tried to exercise when I first started but it just is crazy right now.…
  • I think it really varies from person to person. I never lose weight while breastfeeding. In fact, I gain weight because I am eating so much more! I know some lose, some maintain, and some gain. Just depends on your body and what it wants to do!
  • I'm in Southern California and groceries here are on the higher end. I feed myself, my husband, and 4 kids. I spend about $500 a month. We eat mostly chicken dishes with the occasional beef or fish dish. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies and things like yogurt. I don't really buy any prepackaged foods and make most…
  • Southern California
  • I had my first at 20. Which may seem on the young side, but I had already graduated college and my husband and I had been married for 2.5 years and owned our own home. I'm 26 now and had #5 three months ago. I like being a "young" mom but I don't think there is anything wrong with having kids in your 30s (or even 40s).
  • My mother-in-law and sister-in-law both used Medifast to lose weight a few years back. My mother-in-law lost 80 some pounds and my sister-in-law lost over 100 pounds. They both were able to maintain their weight loss even after they stopped using the program. It is all about eating right and portion control. I think that…
  • This! I am new here, as well. I have 5 young kids and my days can be hectic. Yet, I force myself to exercise AT LEAST 15 minutes a day (and I will increase that as I get more into shape). I just do DVDs at home. I wouldn't be able to make it to the gym and I don't have any equipment at home. The DVDs work just fine!
  • I'm 5'11" and currently weigh 283lbs. My goal weight is somewhere in the 180s. I have 100lbs to go! I am also larger framed and was in the 180s in high school when I was very active in sports. I've had 5 kids since then so my body is much different now!
  • I don't eat mine back. I did some research and found that it is only important to eat them back if you are close to your goal weight. For people who are severely overweight (me), it is not necessary. It has something to do with burning fat versus lean body mass. For example, my MFP guidelines are to eat 1660 calories a day…
  • I weigh myself every morning just out of curiousity but only log it once a week (Saturdays).
  • Loving the pictures and stories mamas! I am new to MFP, just started a week ago. I have 5 kids ages 5, 4, 2.5, 1.5, and 3 months, so I have basically been pregnant for the last 5 years. I am 5' 11" and 285 currently but didn't get that way from pregnancies as I have been this big for probably 8 years or so. I actually lost…
  • You look amazing! Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment. Your story is more than inspiring! I am new here and could probably stand to lose 100lbs, but my initial goal is 85lbs. I have just started and am already having an off day today. Your story really makes me want to kick things into high gear because I…