

  • Haha ooops and I used to be a travel agent lol....I was a tad like ummm I'm sure this area is known for flatness not mountainess hehe x
  • Hey ...check you out ... 13ib very impressive must see ur diary and see ur secret ... Monday will be my second week....hoping I will have lost more although not sure as went for a meal grrrr....damn that tastey food .... I too am a massive food lover.... Yeh whe in Norfolk are u .... I'm in Norwich .....only moved here…
  • Hey .... Just moved to Norfolk from Kent in Nov last year so been hard not knowing anyone and food becomes ur bestest bud.... Esp doesnt help that i used to be a postlady delivering mail ...to an office job then got let go last week soooo....food been the comforter ...... Bit confused though as I never thought there was…
  • OMG fellow sweet-toothed people.... my downfall is my pudding ....can not eat dinner without a pudding....and now only three days into this MFP and MISSING PANCAKE DAY (gutted) ....oh i so love pancakes ....mmmmmmm pancakes ice cream nutella and bananas yummmmmmm.... ok drooling over.... some pudding substitues are most…
  • Soooooooo i reckon good on ya girl ull def do it..... i feel for ya though not having the pancakes ...they are my fave ....as i have never smoked, taken drugs or drunk alcohol my tipple is desserts ....LOVE them ...and pancakes i sooo missed having this year .... as decided STUPIDLY to start this diet on monday the day…