maryogrady Member


  • Thank you for starting this thread. My name is Mary and I am from S/W Ontario. I was on this site more then a year ago and lost 50 pounds and was doing great. Last January my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and my focused turned to her and what she needed and I lost focus on me and put 30 pounds back on. Now that we…
  • I am in, did 2mi today, so 48 to go...............
  • Don't beat yourself up, but here is an idea for the next freezer mishap.....cook those wonderful meals, then put them all into containers and walk them to your nearest homeless shelter, food bank or the church, service group etc that provides dinners etc to the will not only not eat those extra…
  • Well done, keep at it, and keep smiling
  • I started this journey needing to shed 88 pounds, I am down 40, almost half way there, I love this site, it is the first diet I have been able to stick with, and has given me the power to adjust my habits, without feeling that I am breaking any rules Welcome and I will add you
  • This is great, I have been buying the Weight Watchers Smart Ones chocolate cakes to fill the craving for sweets, at $4 for 2 cakes, this is so much cheaper and for the 1 minute wait time, it is less then the defrost time...thank you for sharing
  • I joined at the end of February, as I needed to change my lifestyle, and this site has been truly helpful, and I love having the app on my blackberry so that I can check when out, and make the changes on the spot, and not have to give up going out for dinner or lunch with friends Good luck, a journey begins with one…