RB411 Member


  • Take advantage of having four great children and use them as a diet tool. Keep yourself and them busy with outdoor activities that also burn calories. If you can't be out then find things to do inside that don't involve food of any kind. And always remember that you would rather weigh less than anything else in the world.…
  • I'm trying the psychological route and it works sometimes. I try to remember to ask myself before I over do it...which do you want more...to weight less or eat the cake? That works sometimes.
  • Walk into that interview and OWN it. Treat the interview as if you already have the job, you know what it's all about, and let them in on what you are looking forward to the most about the new job. Enthusiasm and confidence are a sweet combination. Good luck.
  • Been there, done that. It is SO completely frustrating. I'm so frustrated with my weight that I finally put a very unattractive picture of me, plainly showing off my big fat belly, on the fridge. It has helped somewhat. :-) Do you have a picture of yourself in that bikini? Maybe try putting that on display as your…