Jendenlar Member


  • My gastroparesis is idiopathic, which means they don't know what causes it. My mom and grandmother have it, but we all have different sensitivities and reactions to the same foods. It's really annoying cause everyone reacts differently. They put me on reglan, which helps a ton, but I still have flare ups if I get stressed…
  • I was just recently diagnosed and was wondering the same thing.....
  • I cannot wait to try these!!! YUM YUM!
  • I agree, breakfast is hard-but I've been getting better with it over the past 4 months. I hypothesize one difference between breakfast eaters and non-eaters is the fact that some people wake up starving and other wake up NOT hungry at all. I find that when I eat a very light dinner, then I wake up starving and can't wait…
  • Hey there MJ7010! I wish I had the answers to the weekend conundrum, as I too have a big problem with it. Like you, I eat just fine during the week, but something goes wrong on the weekends. The best advice that I still struggle to follow is to eat on the weekends like you would during the week. For example, during the…
  • Hi there! In my experience on sites like these-when you are new-get as many friends as possible. As you move forward, you'll see a few that "stick out" to you. They are serious, very supportive, and people you have things in common with. After creating a support base-you will "clean up" your friends. For example-as time…