

  • I like to buy the Tuna Sensations and eat them with Weight Watchers Savory Herb crackers. It is sooooo good. And a great light snack that is high in protein. It does have some carbs which makes it a great mid-morning snack!
  • I typically make 3 egg whites and stir in 2 tablespoons of homemade salsa with 1 Chicken sausage (about 120 calories each and super yummy). Bistro Sensations is my favorite brand. Very low carb, low sugar, and high protein. And tastes amazing! Also like to make smoothies: 1 container of Light and Fit greek yogurt (80…
  • I was breast feeding when I first started tracking my eating. It is kind of tricky because you need extra calories while you are nursing. I did exactly what you did and I entered an exercise that added 500 calories into my diet. That way I could see how it affected all the other areas (sugar especially)! :laugh: