

  • Get a meal replacement supplement. A protein shake from walmart. I just ate 3 eggs, 16 ounces of milk, and 1 slice of wheat bread for breakfast = 490 Calories......calories are easy to come by if you really want them. :-)
  • Muscle weighs more than fat. Also, if you are watching your calories and adding in your exercise you may be netting less calories than you have actually eaten. With that in mind....lets say you eat 1000 calories, but you burned 500 throughout the day - you are way low. Eating to few calories stalls your metabolism and…
  • Hello, You need to do some different exercises, as well as bump up your caloric intake. Work in some weight training as opposed to just cardio. If you do a fast paced circuit training work out, keeping your heart rate up, you will shed fat. The reason that I say you should boost your calories is because eating too few…