kristinkid Member


  • I love asylum 1 & 2. That being said I haven't tried T25 yet. Less time is appealing but you will not be burning as many calories. Knowing myself this would be a great workout on a busy day, but I don't think I would be happy with only 25 minutes most days.
  • Sounds like maybe someone is jealous? I would avoid people that are not supportive of your lifestyle change. Stick with it and be proud of yourself. Don't forget to give yourself a few cheat days every once in a while, this may get this person off your back. Keep up the good work.:wink:
  • This sound familiar. I had the same problem until just recently. Started doing Jillian Micheals workout, only about 30 minutes so very easy to do will a toddler running around, ask me how I know. Also, changed up my diet. Added more fruit, B vitamins and stopped eating for that were process with ingredients that I couldn't…