arethaholly Member


  • Try this! I made it over the weekend. I didn't add the eggs, but did add in eggplant, zucchini, and then chickpeas for protein. It was great! To make it feel more like a meal, cook some brown rice & eat it with that. So good!
  • You can do an oatmeal in two ways: 1) Prepare it overnight so the oats soak in the milk/yogurt & you have a yummy cool summer breakfast 2) Heat it in the morning for that great stick-to-your-ribs feeling. Here's what I do almost every day: 1/3 cup oatmeal 1/3 cup almond milk sprinkle of cinnamon or other spices If using…
  • This is a pretty late response, but I bought the ebook. It was on sale & I had some PayPal money, so it didn't *really* cost me anything, otherwise I may not have done so. I'm not some fitness nut/guru, but I had previously lost 30lbs & wanted to kick things up a bit, so the guide seemed like a good challenge. I didn't do…
  • Hi! Sorry, I never saw this reply. I don't have a good answer for how to calculate that calorie burn either, unless you got a heart-rate monitor (HRM) so you would know exactly what your body is burning & then just entered the calories burned total for the day. I'm considering getting a HRM because I want to know how much…
  • So MFP is set up so that if you DID NOT exercise for that day, you would eat your daily allotted calories & still "lose weight." Your daily calories are set up at a deficit based on the goals you entered into MFP. However, if you were to do that, you would not become FIT, necessarily, because you're not exercising &…
  • Drink TONS of water and watch your intake of salty & sweet things -- those help you keep all of your water weight during your period. Be really conscious for several days before your period of what you are eating & how much water you are drinking, and you should be able to curb some of those issues. Also, squeezing in a…
  • Your pixie haircut is AMAZING! :)
  • In college, my weight crept up from the 170s to 195, which was the highest & unhappiest I had ever been... I realized as a new teacher last year that I needed to do something about all of the stress I had and that I was in control of how I felt about my body. I got a Y membership & started exercising January 2013 and…
  • I'm the same way! I tried the DVD 3x in January and actually ended up spraining my ankle during my 2nd workout. oof! These workouts are hard for me, and I can't workout consistently. I'm shooting to fit in the workout 3-4x per week. I ran 1x last week, did the DVD 2x, and this week I've already fit in the DVD 2x. So, with…