greytniki Member


  • I don't eat much in the way of cooked vegetables nor do I eat fish. I can cook lean steak, lean pork fillets and b/s chicken breasts in a bout a million different healthy ways so I mix them up a lot. I also do lean ground beef tacos, hotdogs, hamburgers, cheese quesadillas. I do salads and mix that with the cooked veggies…
  • Absolutely! Good job!
  • I'm kind of an "all things in moderation" person. Eat a balanced diet. The minute you try to eliminate something out of your diet that you like you are going to begin to struggle. Also what works for one person doesn't mean its going to work for you for a number or reasons. I always laugh when people who have just jumped…
  • I have to be honest I hate the term "cheat" meal. It makes it mentally seem like you are doing something "bad". You are cheating. Life is about choices. If one day you make a choice or plan to make a choice to go over your normal intake allotment then its an ok choice. You can plan for it by doing extra exercise. By eating…
  • Thanks all. Yesterday I ran another 3.2 miles just to make sure I could do it again :-) I have a great support system around me and without them and God I couldn't do it.
  • Try other machines if you have access. Otherwise what I do is put a kicking play list in my Ipod/Mp3 player and/or download a podcast and listen to that. A friend of mine takes her tablet and places it on the ledge, covering up the numbers and watches shows on netflix.
  • Don't know what your set up is but here are some things I do: take 5-10 minute break (if allowed) and walk around the block a time or two. Squats in the bathroom (if its private) or a closet or close your office door. Jump up and hit the top of the door frame 10 times every time you go through a door if no one is around…
  • Jif Whips, they blow air in it or something so it tastes like your getting the same amount at half the calories...Everyonce in a while you splurge and frankly if I work it into my calorie intake for the day so be it.
  • Try little things at first like replacing processed sweets with say sweet grapes or an orange.
  • I'm with everyone else here. You need to eat regular meals through the day. Then you won't get to the point where your starving and dive into a free for all. But since you think you did. Consider a couple of things. It could have been much worse. You admitted it, now move on. New day, new start your going to have days like…
  • Don't be afraid to ask them to modify a menu item. For instance if they have a grilled chicken sandwich. Order it without the bun and a side of BBQ sauce or something. Ask them for grilled instead of fried. Steak is usually a good choice but make sure its less then 7 ounces. Also don't be afraid to ask for a "to go" box…
  • Hi Tiera, my current goal is to lose 112 pounds. I've lost 95 pounds so far. I haven't done anything special like Atkins or cutting out a lot of stuff. What I have done is religiously count calories and track and exercise at least 5 days a week. I started by walking and moved to jogging. From October 2013-February 2014 I…
  • I started running at age 45, in 2013 after a serious motorcycle accident in 2007 that left me with a shattered foot, fused ankle, bad shoulders, bad wrists, ruptured and then 1/2 of my colon removed and while waiting for back surgery which Ihad December 10th 2013. I was in the process (and still am) of losing weight. When…