Libby283 Member


  • I am in Maryland
  • I wear Under Armor shoes that were over $100. They are worth every penny.
  • My kids prefer to eat dinner as soon as they get home from school. I would let him eat dinner with daycare if that is the time he like to eat. I would request a metabolic panel blood work from the pediatrician. My oldest gained tons of weight and the pediatrician wanted my oldest to attend weight loss camp. Come to find…
  • I eat 1150-1200 calories a day. With a few days at 1300-1400. I stick with coffee and a greek yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I aim for 300 calories a day, mostly salads, hummus or tuna. I like protein. I have an afternoon snack of fruit or fiber bar at about 100 calories and then dinner at around 600 calories. I find…
  • 5'3" here. Started last month at 158 lbs in very snug size 6 (us) Lost 7 lbs and now comfortably in a size 6. I got down to 120 lbs in 2014 and was in a size 2. I want to wear them again.
  • I hate salad dressing. I also do not generally eat croutons but I add flavor to my greens with shredded carrots, shredded cheese, bacon that I fried and shredded into bits, hard boiled eggs, chicken, avocado, mushrooms, black olives, tomatoes, etc
    in Salads Comment by Libby283 April 2017
  • I have a severe coconut allergy, so I wish everyone would get off the coconut kick. Outback and Waffle House are now on my list of restaurants where I cannot eat.
  • Try new things. I am a country girl. My boyfriend bought hummus and little rice cakes a couple of weeks ago. I needed a low calorie snack and tried them. I am the new hummus addict. So yummy. Be open to try things. I love salads. I make my own Cobb salads. We even hit up and Italian carry out last week and I got crispy bbq…
  • I buy chocolates in individual packages. I pop miniatures. When going for ice cream, I order the kids size.
  • But I am 5'3" and I gain weight on 1700 calories a day. 1200-1300 and I just maintain the same weight. I lose at the 1000-1100 range. Go figure. As a teenager and through my 20's I could eat 2500 calories a day and stayed petite. That all changed in my 30's. Actually the moment I got on hormonal birth control. It is what…
  • I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom. I usually see movement down during the week when I am keeping a 1000-1100 calorie diet. I maintain on the weekends and through the beginning of the week when I have a 1200-1400 calorie diet.
  • This is BS and you really do need to get off your high horse. I have always been very slim. I wear a size 6 and think I am fat. I have always ate healthy and decent portion sizes. Sadly, I have a 13 year old daughter that is well over 200 lbs. I put healthy meals in front of her. I constantly lead by example and order…
  • What was your starting weight?
  • What was your starting weight? I think you have done an awesome job. Do not feel discouraged.
  • I drink 16oz. coffee with real sugar every morning. I hate the aftertaste of fake sweeteners.
  • Oh I plan to drink the entire bottle.
  • A piece? I have a whole closet full of clothes. I threw away all my fat sizes a few years ago when I lost weight. I just hung onto a few pairs of size 6 pants, so that is what I am wearing. My top half stayed close to the same size with the weight gain, because my shirts mostly fit. I had to go buy a pair of dress pants a…
  • I am probably an alcoholic. I love to drink. I am currently trying to avoid it for the most part, but I do not want to give it up completely. Drinking is a part of me. I enjoy it and I failed at keeping it out of my life so I need to learn how to fit it into my diet. I am going to go to my favorite winery on Saturday and I…
  • He is a jerk. Do not be discouraged. Keep walking. You are doing this for you. :) Do not waste a second thinking or caring about some random persons opinion of you.
  • You are doing awesome! Just keep going
  • yup count me in. I even tell people the approximate calories of what they are consuming. :(
  • I do both. I now may only eat one slice of my favorite pizza with salad as a side, instead of two slices. I do typically choose healthier options but sometimes I just want a cheeseburger and I fit it into my limit.
  • What is your height?
  • I have 33 lbs to go. We can do this. One pound at a time. I break it into tiny chunks. Like now I am just trying to get into the 140's, than I will be excited to get to 145, than to the 130's...and so on. Mini Milestones along the way to goal weight.
  • Counting calories work. I have added Fiber bars as my treat and even ate mayo last night. The constipation is resolving itself. Add some fiber and fat into your daily diet.
  • I log everything. I raided my parents fridge yesterday and stopped and logged the deviled egg I popped in my mouth prior to eating it.
  • Oh I have child bearing hips and my bra size at 124 lbs is a 32D. It was still a C cup when I was in high school. But the rest of me was tiny. I had no fat on my body. Skin and bones.
  • This happened to me also. I hate the look of muscles. I just think it looks gross. I like the very thin model look.
  • I went on a two week cruise and lost weight. I had plenty of time to go to the gym, I still made healthy choices with eating for the most part, and I walked a heck of a lot more.
  • I would love to go to my high school weight, but last time I lost weight I got to 124 and people said I looked really small. 98 lbs (day I graduated, 18 years old) would have them loosing their minds.