Shivers29 Member


  • A lot of choosing to make the changes are in our heads I think. Like you just have the day where you say 'that's it, no more'. Good luck on your journey, you can do it. By this time next year you can be in the cute jeans and tops. I am currently 211lbs and after years of having my weight yoyo all over the place I am just…
  • I love when people give my children Nestle Easter eggs because I cannot stand Nestle chocolate so no way would I eat them! lol. Cadburys on the other hand, I would have devoured :-(
  • I think I might take a bash at giving up biscuits. I love chocolate but don't eat a whole lot but I find when I am sitting down with himself in the evenings we'll make tea and next thing I know 5 biscuits have been eaten. Nasty habit!
  • Brand new to MFP and also a bride to be. Wedding is in 32 days!!! 24th March :-) My dress fits perfectly and I am not specifically trying to lose for the wedding, just myself in general. I would love to tone up my arms though as they are the one place I am so unhappy with. Add me!