arnfolly Member


  • LOL I still have a pair of bib overalls I use to use for gardenign. I found them and put them on, my husband said he could probably fit in them! It is amazing to see how different we look eh?
  • you are sure your doctor has checked your thyroid? The reason I ask is because my sister who is a personal trainer for a living was having issues with calories despite her INTENSE workouts several times a DAY! She finally got checked after 2 years of struggling and she was hypothroid (sluggish thyroid). what is your daily…
  • Everyone is correct. Keep with the kegals and pelvic tightening. If in a couple months you still have an issue, speak with your doctor about possibly having your bladder slung. :) I have had a few friends do this and were very happy with the results. Until then, wear protective pads. AND JUMP AWAY! :) I had my bladder…
  • BREAKFAST BURRITOS. 1 scrambled egg, a low carb flour tortilla (or a whole grain tortilla) & a tiny sprinkle of cheese. Scramble egg, put cheese on tortilla, stuff with any veggies you want (we like mushrooms, green peppers) roll up and it is a GREAT protein AND, did you know eggs are actually high in vitamin A and D? Here…
  • Cooking is science. Really, it is as simple as that. Try watching or taping cooking shows. The food network or cooking channel actually have tv shows for weight loss. They also have web sites with fabulous recipies and even videos. or My hubbie & I are garlic people. it is good…
  • The key is to keep at it. Even when you do not want to. Joined a new gym? Walk up, introduce yourself to members there who look like they know what they are doing. Just explain you are new and would like to get to know people. You will be amazed at how, when you look forward to seeing the same faces (if you go around the…
  • Joyceks65: Is there anything you can do to help get your blood flowing? you mentioned you were disabled, do you work with a therapist? My PT gal gave me some GREAT exercises after a ruptured L5/S1 disk and partial knee replacement last year. I was AMAZED at how for such easy exercises which did not hurt how much weight I…
  • LOL DO NOT LET THE GUYS SCARE YOU out of the weight area of the gym! I use to be a weight lifter. I was doing some flys one time and I actually had this ADONIS of a man come up to me and compliment me on my form! I almost dropped the weights! LOL! Guys LOVE a woman who lifts weights if she knows how to do it properly. I…
  • I find your question interesting. How do you stay motivated to work through the pain. The first thing I ask myself is this: What benefits will I GAIN from exercising through this pain? 2nd: Will I hurt myself if I exercise? (I have osteoarthritis) 3rd: when I am done with my exercise, will I feel good with all those…
  • May I ask if you have been diagnosed with fibro, or osteoarthritis or any other auto immune disorder? the reason I ask, is because certain foods will help reduce inflammation. I was never a huge fan of broccoli until I discovered it's natural antinflammatory properties, so I began eating it. NOW I LOVE IT! We eat it all…
  • Hello from Michigan USA. I hear ya, I love food too. I find it difficult to stay under 1200 calories every day, I find myself hungry in the evening, do you find this to be also a problem? What do you do for exercise? I LOVE to hike with my 2 mastiffs, a great workout and very enjoyable. I am currently 150# at 5' 6" size 6…
  • i read a book once on teh benefits of water. It was very interesting. I too at the time was NOT a water drinker. HATED IT. The book basically said "too bad" plug your nose guzzle it down and get over it. I was quite offended at the author for it, but I did it anyway, 8 times a day. Then, about 2 weeks into my water torture…
  • i too have felt this way. then I realized one day this was a CHOICE I was making to make a change in my life. Instead of feeling like a prisoner, I needed to remind myself this was a tool I was choosing to aid in my goal. does it take more time and feel like a chore at times? Certainly it does! But at the end of the day I…