

  • The Texas Hotter the Hell 100, last year at 51 it was 112 when I cross the finish line
  • Well My Friend I ride everyday after work I try to get in about 35 to 40 miles a day. And I have had my share of head winds. The best thing for a head wind is to get low on the handle bars and try to ride under the wind and then push hard. Great job on the weight lose keep riding
    in Head Wind Comment by doji52 May 2012
  • I know it seem like a lot of work and liitle pay out. But in the end you will see a cahnge in yourself both Body and mind. See I was where you are now last year and to day I training for the State Cycling meet at the end of March for a chance to make the National meet next year. And it helps that I am 120 pounds smaller.…
    in Need Help Comment by doji52 March 2012