mleboid1 Member


  • Progressive push ups. Starting February 1, do one. Each day, add one more. By the end of the month, you'll be amazed that you're doing 28 push ups. I like starting at the beginning of the month so I can easily track how many I should be doing each day.
  • couple of ounces of grilled rib eye slices on top of a bed of baby spinach, with sliced red onion, hard boiled egg, crumbled bacon, crumbled feta, topped with some blue cheese dressing. and a side of sauteed mushrooms. it was fantastic.
  • i wouldn't say no to the food. you shouldn't have to. what i will do is fix a plate with a little bit of each of the things that i want and eat them slowly. satisfies my desire to taste each item, but doesn't make me feel bad about it either. good luck and congratulations on your success to this point.
  • find a co-worker or a few and share the load. everyone makes a meal on sunday, puts it into individual containers for everyone in your group and brings them to work on monday. that way, you only cook once, but have a variety of home-cooked meals for the week.