
  • Happy April Ladies, Sorry I haven't posted much. Headache is a little better, 1 more week til I see the doc and find out what he wants to do. Welcome Kath. I am new to the group, but these ladies have been wonderful. Well, don't have a lot of time to write, I'll try to check back later. Toni…
  • Morning HEETERS, Hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful day! Our nite here was kinda rough, Oklahoma spring storms blowing thru!! But we made it and the sun is shining this morning. Got my MRI report yesterday, 3 bulging discs in my neck! I go back to the neurologist a week from tomorrow to find out what needs to…
  • Hey Ladies!! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I've been fighting an ongoing headache for 7 months now, and Sat. nite and yesterday it was almost unbearable. I've had MRI's, MRA's and CAT scans, and am waiting to go back to the Dr. on 4-8 to get results of the latest MRI on my neck. Not sure if I over did it with exercise on…
  • Thanks for the welcome Hazel. I live about an hour or so from Miami. My step son went there for a while as well. Then he went to NSU in Tahlequah, which is about 20 minutes from us.
  • Hello Ladies, I'm new to this site, and just starting on my weight loss JOURNEY!! I would love to join your group of friends. I live in NE Oklahoma (where it's snowing today and supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow) and have told my daughter in law about this site.
  • Hi everyone, just started today. Any and all support will be greatly appreciated. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary