

  • I had not had a period in 8 months with infrequentt hot flashes. When I began to lose weight I started having periods and more hot flashes. GYN says it is due to hormone regulation and estrogen stores in I started on symvastatin and that causes hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Weight watcher leader told me to increase points (cals) when on a worked. Evidently your body feels it is starving and holds on to weight???? Don't know what happened but I increased water, decreased exercise a bit and increased cals a bit and began to lose again. After 2 weeks I went back to previous…
  • I certainly dont have that's some things I eat and almost always right at my limit......Looks like you need some carbs and fiber. Try a fiber bar for a snack. Try sandwich rounds for a sandwich. I also like celery with cream cheese to get some veggies and dairy. I also use a weight watcher cookbook and…