

  • goint to start my recory drink tomorrow. I pretty pumped too.
  • has anyone heard or tried a colon clean out??? I just heard about this the other day. Aprilvet you can't go wrong with p90x. Tony Horton shows how to do workouts so every level can do them.
  • hey everyone make sure you go up this thread a little and read the article about soda. good stuff
  • just got done with my workouts did cardiox, ten minute trainer cardio, and ran two miles burnt 960 calories. Man am i feeling good. Yea about the soda i was a huge sado drinker. I was on another thread and they were talking about drinking water and how often a person has to go to the bathroom. Somebody posted that the…
  • Thanks i am six weeks now and no let up yet. I drank alot of soda before so it might take a while before all that junk gets out of my system. I posted and article about soda in the fitness message board under another p90x thread. It is a must read. good stuff
  • I found this article boy is this good stuff. Please read The Worst Food in the World By Steve Edwards Since all great things come in threes (or is it celebrity deaths?), we're going to complete our sugar trilogy with a look at the worst food in the world: soda pop. Forget about brands; whether it's Coke, Dr. Pepper, or…
  • i workout in the mornings. I get up at 7:00 eat some eggs. Wait about an hour and half then do my workout. Then i will wait about an hour after my workout before I eat my lunch. I work 2-10 shift which is my biggest problem. I work at a prison and the food there is not real healthy. So i eat a little there then i take an…
  • just bumping this to try and get an answer
  • molsongirl can you answer how long is normal for running to the bathroom all the time
  • I am not following the p90x eating program. It is not really pratical for me. Married with four kids it would be really expenceive. I pretty much have been putting what i eat into this web site. The only thing i have been doing is going a little over on my protien and a little under on my carbs. I have just been eating…
  • did you stop the beer??????
  • yea since i started the second phase i have been feeling great lot of energy and the weight is coming off pretty good too. My wedding ring is about to fall off my finger. My wife said she is really starting to notice my stomach getting smaller and my chest getting bigger. This phase two triceps and biceps workouts are…
  • I was wonder how long should it take for the running to the bathroom every hour to stop? I have been drinking about 10-12 glasses a day for about 6 weeks now. I have never heard that about your body storing up fluid. that is good stuff. If you could let me know how long the bathroom running wil take i would appericate it
  • that sound about right to me. 300 calories in 30 min. On the weight training today i was averaging less than 100 every 10 min. My heart rate was around 115 to 130. It really depends on your heart rate. If you were working hard and your heart rate was in the 150 ti 160 range i would say that would be low. My calorimeter…
    in Calorimeter Comment by shopie April 2009
  • mio watch type. the only thing i don't like about it is you have to put two fingers on two buttons on top of the watch to get your heart rate. I couldn't afford the more expensive ones so I went with this one so i at least have an idea what i am burning
  • yea i was in the same boat. yesterday went to walmart and bought a cheap one about $30 and used it today. i am also doing p90x. I am on phase two and loving it. I did biceps, back, and abs today and burnt 500 calories. Than is a lot more than i thought i was burning. I thought i was burning that on cardio days. I am…
    in Calorimeter Comment by shopie April 2009
  • workout done boy did that kick my butt. I got a calorie counter and burned 500 on a strength day. can't wait to try it out on a cardio day
  • hi everyone just checking in. About to start my workout. doing back and arms today. check in later have a good day
  • I love this in your face attitude. This is great. It gets me pumped up. My freakin arms are still sore from yesterdays workout. It feels great. You would think after working out for four weeks the soreness would be gone. I guess my muscles are confused. HA HA. I am glad you guys and gals are all here. I get on and read how…
  • thats good stuff robm007
  • got to go to work everybody. the dreaded 2-10 shift. everybody have a good day.
  • I have was a little bummed for a while about the stupid scales. Then I noticed my clothes are looser and my stomach is shinking. Everything is shifting to the right places. Also muscle weighs more than fat right? So I still look at the scales but not the only thing i look at anymore. Keep pushing play and bringing it
  • yea that helps a lot thanks
  • thanks i didn't even know they made a heart rate monitor that kept track of calories. Hey robm007 do you know what your heart rate range was when you burnt the 1000+ calories.
  • i think i am going to hold off on the + till i get through the x twice. I still have alot of gains to make on the x. I know i will be ready for the + when I can get through all of the workouts and still have some left. The + looks pretty insane.
  • Everybody is talking about calories. It is pretty easy to keep track of the intake of calories, but how about what we burn up. None of the p90x workouts are listed, so i am just guessing how many calories i am burning during each exersice. Anybody have any suggestions.
  • hey just got down with plyo and man did i bring it. I didn't know how many calories i was burning. I was figuring about 600 to 700. I am male 37 years old 5-11 and about 200 lbs. My heart heart during plyo is normal between 158 to 164. If i am burning over 1000 calories like you are robm007 maybe I do need to adjust my…
  • yea you hear all this about cutting carbs and how bad carbs are for you. But your right if you are working out you need them. Yesterday I did chest back and tris ( a killer workout) and I bonked. All day my energy was down. I felt like all I did was eat. I had a nice dinner (Unbreaded chicken and some beans and noodles)…
  • mostly p90x and a little 10 minute trainer
  • thanks good tip
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