

  • We have a cheat "day". Fridays, we drink as much wine as we want, and either Sat. or Sun. dinner we cook something "forbidden" if we feel like it, or get take out. No counting calories or points. It helps us to feel like we're not depriving ourselves :)
  • wine & cheese. If I could actually break up with both of them at once, I'd be skinny...
  • I'm 5'0 and 155. I lost 8 lbs on ww my first 2 weeks, and have been at a plateau since late Jan. I'm very new to this board & joined wondering about the difference between pts & calories. Feel free to add me!
  • My BIL lost over 80 lbs in 6 months on this diet. He has always been quite big for his height (he's about 5'4", and as long as I've known him, has been well over 200lbs) I saw him for the first time in a year last month, and almost didn't recognize him! He's down to about 180 lbs now! Both he & his wife follow the 17DD…
  • Brand new here, and 5' :)