

  • I'm not sure if I have muscles to burn! I'll give it a shot. But every time I've tried it in the past I never stuck with it. As for trying for one more set or rep to be fun, I've never found that to be the case. It ends up with me making a face like I'm giving birth to a porcupine with my arms frozen in a halfway position…
  • I've never been all that great with strength training. I'm not sure the proper technique or if I'm pushing myself hard enough. Plus with the treadmill I can fool myself into thinking I'm not exercising by using my laptop at the same time.
  • Yes, at least when I have to go to bed early for work. On days off I've been doing 4-5 hours. I bought a surfshelf for my treadmill. And between Hulu and Netflix I have lots to keep me occupied while walking/jogging. By the time I'm done watching all 8 seasons of one of my shows I hope to have dropped a good amount of…
  • According to MFP my treadmill/tv time clocks in at 1156 calories burned.
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