scntst Member


  • Yay! you finished it! that's so awesome! Congratulations! And awesome results! And I, like many others I'm sure, felt the same as you and scared of it. You have convinced me to try it too. :smile:
  • HB isn't like the 30DS or RI30. Its more of a stand alone to be done probably every other day? Its a complete, full-body circuit/strength workout. If you do it, combine it with others, perhaps her Killer Abs in between or 6 Week 6 Pack or even her KickBox, so that way you don't overwork the same muscles and you're able to…
  • Also, if you're doing NMTZ, make sure you alternate which side you start with each time you do the DVD. She doesn't do the same amount of reps for each side. [/quote] Thanks for the tip. I had no idea.
  • i just finished the 30D shred on Wednesday and I did do the level 1 for 10 days; 2 for 10 days and 3 for 10 days. I hated the 2nd one. I actually found the 3rd one easier, though more intense, than the 2nd one. If I had to do it again, I might do longer 1 and longer 3 and maybe just a couple of 2s for good measure. I'm…