

  • I am starting to do that as well. Just taking the money I need out with me; that way I wont feel the need to buy some more food and also over spend on nights out... win win I say
  • I've just joined; I have had diabetes (Type 1) for 18 years. Been active most of my life.. ok I am only 24... but recently I have lacked all motivation so have joined a gym. Am taking each day as it comes; I go to the gym 2-3 times a week and so far I have found that it helps with the blood sugar control. So keep it up...…
  • Hey, Also new here. I am new to the eating healthy thing too.. obviously I wasn't a junk eater completely but I know I've been eating lots of total random food. My goal is to lose 10kg and get my diabetes and health in a better place. I too am hoping not to go hungry through lack of food intake. But I must try and stick to…
    in Newbie! Comment by sabbzp February 2012
  • Hello, I am also a newbie to this website and app. My friend got my onto it just now. Lets do this :)