

  • Have you tried a side plank? Great for the obliques. Other than just holding that position, you can tap your hip 10 times towards the end. I like "Russian Twists" as well. You sit on the floor with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle (you can raise your feet off the floor or keep them on the floor). With either a medicine…
  • Not sure where you live or what you have for a cable service, but there are alot of free exercise videos with the "On Demand" function on your TV. They have everything from 10 minute to 30 minute ab routines. when I have some free time I'll do one of those for variety. As someone else said, planks are REALLY good!
  • Actually, you really don't need those things. I use good old fashioned "elbow grease" with just a regular potatoe masher. Obviously the consistency isn't as smooth but I never minded a few lumps in my potatoes growing up :wink:
  • Ditto on the mashed cauliflower and spaghetti squash. Here are a few other ways to prepare them that I enjoy: You can add other things to the mashed cauliflower like chives and a tablespoon of low fat sour cream. You can also crisp up some turkey bacon and sprinkle some reduced fat cheddar cheese on top. For the spaghetti…
  • I'm glad I came across this topic today because I just joined this site last week and this past weekend was the first weekend of "keeping track." I knew I went overboard on Saturdays (called it my cheat day) but until I decided to be honest with myself and log EVERY single thing I put in my mouth.............I had no idea…