

  • that is awesome!!! moving foward is moving foward, no matter how small the step!! Every move foward should be cause for celebration. Have you ever heard of Tosca Reno?? her book help me to tighten up my game and I have never felt better. She is an excellent inspiration. continue with the great work!!!
  • stuff it with eggbeaters or eggs and spinach!! so good and filling!!
  • music music music!! I find people watching at the gym very amusing, its like a mini soap opera!! when I exercise at home, I find that I dont work out as long. at the gym I know people could possibly be saying she only stayed on that for 15 minutes!! no wonder!! I have a good imagination.
  • you could eat them but then you wont lose as fast but be safe, there are times I get 2200 cals to eat after working out but I cant eat that much, the most I have eaten is right under 1500.