dandy_girl Member


  • Careful-- it's addicting... 2 summers ago I busted out my barely used 8yr old hybrid/trail bike for a few rides, and ended up doing a 30 mile organized ride in the Fall. Last Summer I upgraded to a road bike ... 3 weeks before my first triathlon! :) This year? I live in MN and it snowed last week, so I've only been out…
  • Hi! Yesterday, I signed up for my first Sprint Triathlon! It is on June 24th! I decided that 2012 was the year I would get back my competetive edge, and I started training for a half-marathon (in August). I wanted to set some goals and get some races in, and then I decided to shake it up with the tri! I'm super excited,…
    in Hi all Comment by dandy_girl April 2012
  • Sometimes I log it before I eat it-- but then I worry that it's giving me "permission" to eat something I don't want or need?! Does that make sense? I"m fairly addicted to logging stuff in too! My favorite part of the day, is counting out the 16 animal crackers that are in my calorie budget (ugh- except maybe today!).
  • I am using mfp, not as a calorie counting tool, but as a way to journal my food. My focus is the food pyramid (now called My Plate). It's a great way for me to see if I'm eating enough of the RIGHT stuff. The calorie count is a side effect. Meaning, on days when I'm getting 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables, I tend to…
  • Lean out your peanut butter with plain yogurt (and a drizzle of honey, if you need). 1Tablespoon PB to 3Tablespoons of yogurt. It's yummy, and much healthier than equal portions of PB!
  • I started running again this past Fall. I did the C25K program, and since I live in Minnesota- I spent the Winter working on my running indoors. We've had an early Spring (and a trip to Florida) so I have been able to run outside now for a few weeks. It was/is a LOT harder. But the first thing I noticed was that I was…
  • Hang in there! As a Nutrition Coach, I tell people the calories in vegetables are so minimal that you don't need to worry about them too much! Keep focusing on the question: Does this food have good nutritional value? I also created my own food called "misc calories" and put it at about 100 cals, I add it in to my everyday…