

  • I slip all the time. main thing is to not give up and do it for you and your health. My momma always says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". Let me tell ya Cheese is pretty darn tasty. lol a lifestyle change is what your doing not a diet. Once I started this site and logging my food intake it really opens your eyes to…
  • Your exersizing! your building muscle which weighs more than fat. So all the fat your losing from exersize and dieting is being countered by the muscle and your equalizing on the scale. My advice would be to judge your success by the way your feeling and how your clothes are fitting looser. forget your scale for now,…
  • Welcome aboard. I have logged on now for 10 days. I joined after my Uncle and mom told me they were on here. my Uncle has been a very large man for as long as I have known him. he started at 645 pds. he has been able to lose 31 pds in 30 days. I myself have been struggling with my weight since I was 10 yrs old. I'm at…