

  • Hi. Yes, I'm 5' and about to turn 50 this year! When I started MFP at the end of February, I had crept up over the years to 135lbs. Admittedly, that is the most I have ever weighed. I'm hoping to get back down to 115lbs, which is where I feel most comfortable. (I even dream of getting to the 100-110lbs I weighed in my…
  • No need to panic. It just takes a little planning. For me, regardless of what restaurant, I check the menu online ahead of time and figure out what I will order to make sure it fits into my food plan that day/week. If the portions are larger than what I estimated, I only eat part of it and take the rest home in a take-out…
  • Don't give up. Get some perspective. Think how long it took to put those pounds on. You've taken off 13lbs in 3 months -- I'm sure it took lots longer to put those pounds on! So, honey, you're already ahead!
  • When there's something high in calories that I really want to eat (like some cheesecake), I calculate how much I need to exercise in order to be able to 'afford' those calories and that either makes me stop wanting it (LOL), or I will do the exercise and then eat it!
  • Protein and fiber and seltzer water all help keep me full. I'm on a 1,200 cal/day regimen and it's shocking how little food that ends up being! I space out my food in small portions throughout the day so that I can 'graze' feel like I can be eating every hour or two as I lke. I keep little tasty lo-cal 'treats' handy for…
  • Assorted sushi and sashimi and seaweed salad. 397 calories.
  • Just 3 weeks on MFP and it's been really keeping me motivated and on track. I don't crave sweets much, but when I do, I allow myself ONE super yummy cookie (no more than 100 calories) and eat it slowly in small bites - savoring each bite. It makes the taste experience last longer and gives time for my brain and tummy to…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! And thank you for the post. You've renewing my hope and determination. I began MFP 3 weeks ago and getting discouraged that I've barely lost 2 lbs so far. I was at almost the same starting point as you (I was 5'0' and 135llbs) and my goal is to lose 15-20 lbs.. I have to keep reminding myself that it…