

  • Your just like me! I lost four pounds week one, and .5 this week. (which is pathetic) I drink so much water, I never went over, I'm going to stop consuming alcohol and cut back on salt. Add more water and maybe detox starting tomorrow (friday)
  • Today marks week one for me, 4 pounds C:
  • You guys shouldn't say negative things about the other woman, she is probably suffering from mental illnesses that can put her in physical harm, but (hopefully) she will drop her diet, gain weight, and realize the healthy way to lose weight. Congratulations on your weight loss, and as good as it feels for other people to…
  • I had and ed so they gave me bipolar meds thinking it mellow me out and maybe eat normal. GEODON SCREWED ME UP. I was always a sleeep. Too tired to workout. gained about 20 pounds when I decided they made me worse off. Now I'm med free. Honestly you should try ditching the meds, plus theyre so expensive.
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