

  • I had a similar issue however mine was in terms of how far I could run. I was not some much worried about my appearance but more I could not run more than a couple of hundred yards without stopping or being out of breath. I ran on a treadmill for about 4 months until I felt I was at a level I was confident to run outside.…
  • On certain days I can burn up to 1,000 calories but to get to that I do 35-40 minutes swimming in the morning, a 20-25 minute walk at lunchtime (nice leisure walk - about 2.5km) and a run in the evening of about 3.75km. No way could I do any more than that!!!
  • 26.5lbs gone since the start. Hoping that this week I will get to 28lbs (2 stone).
  • Up on the scales this morning and now a full stone gone. Delighted. Will push on and try to shift at least another 1/2 a stone before christmas.
  • Weighed in and down 3.9lbs this week. Happy now nearly half a stone gone in 3 weeks.
  • Down 1.3lbs this week. Happy as just over 3lbs in 2 weeks. If I keep this rate up it will be great. Started instanity last week so really starting to notice inches more than anything.
    in Week 2 Comment by jwmd123 October 2012
  • Down 1.8lbs this week. Happy with the start.
    in WEEK 1 Comment by jwmd123 September 2012
  • Count me in.