I'm with you on that because I am alway tired but I think you should check with your doctor to see how is your thyroid and Iron level.
Smart and good sense of humor
You can do will take time and the hardest is the first two weeks. I am also diabetic who take pills and used to take insulin. I started to lose weight and was able to get off the insulin.
35 to leno
Sorry I was up to the monkey but your pic came first
You look adorable 9
I alway drink my coffee...that is the one thing I don't change in habit and if I gave my coffee up I would probably going into a withdrawal. Although I would like to cut down because I drink to much coffee.... Maybe 3 or 4 a day.
Ok, so I'm 33, I'm alway trying to lose weight and this is the first time that I've manage to keep going. Still working on losing another 20 pounds. So far I've lost 50 pounds and it the most I've ever done.